Cybercrime investigator - Private investigator

Our concept

Pacta sunt servanda means in Latin "The conventions must be respected". Our main domain names are centered around this phrase which recalls that the parties are now linked to the contract just concluded and that as such they cannot derogate from the obligations arising from this agreement. With a long experience in the prevention of litigation and litigation, and computer investigation in cybercrime, we offer advice and assistance services to individuals and professionals. Our approach is not specifically technical, it is based on all the components of the human aspect of security in the broad sense.


Cybercrime, litigation, lawsuits or litigation, investigation: a single point of contact to put you in touch with an investigation professional, one of our partners for advice or service assignments. Rapid handling of your cybercrime disputes with innovative means. Our two main areas are: internal and external risk prevention measures, and the implementation of appropriate investigation solutions.

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Vous avez besoin d'un consultant en cybercriminalité ?


Identification and localization, prevention of attacks in IT law litigation. Discover our solutions..


Do you need a private detective for an investigation, a surveillance, a surveillance? Take advantage of our network of partners, experienced private investigators


Litigation is becoming more and more complex. Your disputes have implications in many areas because they impact your cash flow, the development of your turnover. They can have internal or external origins, and the defense of your interests often goes through the use of a lawyer. We invite you to browse the presentations of our services in video , for a first overview. When you are a victim of cybercrime, you cannot rely solely on technical services: you need a general consultant with good knowledge of the business world.

Watch our videos

Know how

Former private investigator, Alain STEVENS comes from the banking and financial sector. With functions occupied in positions mainly commercial, accountant, IT, he has more than 15 years of experience in digital investigation, as an ethical hacker. Moving from the chart of accounts to programming, since 1999 he has developed his own IT platforms dedicated to information retrieval. It is this generalist approach to litigation that gives you many advantages over 100% technical offers, which are only part of the solutions. Fraud, digital attacks, are initiated by people, not by machines. You can also listen to extracts from the site in our podcasts.

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Security breaches are human, and it is often the lack of vigilance that allows the success of cyber-malicious acts. We are therefore working on the human aspect of security, which remains at the heart of your main defense system. We are also updating our IT skills (network programming, TCP IP, etc.) to be able to adapt our solutions.

Regarding investigations, we work in partnership with experienced private detectives for field investigations, spinning and surveillance. For very technical missions that we are unable to carry out, we will seek providers together.