Des formations dans nos domaines de spécialisation


To protect yourself against cybercrime risks, you need to know the threats and how to escape them. Regarding IT, we offer different levels of learning for subjects as different as cybercrime, programming languages, or digital strategy. Course materials with a user-friendly format, videos, podcasts, animations, quizzes, and review programs.


If the training offer is very abundant on the Internet, the proposed supports are not always adapted to your memorization process. With Vocabulis ®, we offer multimedia training, far from teaching "by the kilometer" which does not facilitate memorization in the long term.

Computer science

Are you looking for user-friendly training to learn how to use software to better use your messaging solution? Wondering how to make quick backups of your important documents? Our IT training courses adapt to your most frequent needs.

Computer security

If you want to discover the basics of ethical hacking, test security vulnerabilities on your site, or decrypt the headers of a fraudulent email, we prepare the themes of your choice for learning with the Vocabulis ® method.

Social media

How to schedule your publications on social networks in advance? How to protect and defend your digital reputation? These trainings will allow you to manage your digital strategy, or that of your company.