Exemples pratiques d'enquêtes en cybercriminalité

Our cybercrime investigations

We invite you to discover a panorama of practical cases of litigation in cybercrime on which we can intervene to defend your rights, to collect clues and evidence in order to identify and locate the people who seek to harm you.


Everyone can be affected by actions by malicious individuals who may be located near you, or act on the other side of the planet. The objective will be to secure your personal data, protect your reputation, your identity, and set up identification actions to initiate prosecutions.


If you are a defamation victim, we will analyze online content to find ways to identify the person who attacks your reputation, often using fake profiles and fake accounts.


If you are a defamation victim, we will analyze online content to find ways to identify the person who attacks your reputation, often using fake profiles and fake accounts.

Identity theft

If you are a victim of identity theft, we will collect informations available on false profiles to set up investigation techniques on the Internet and social networks.